Welcome to Nema’s Shop

Bring the cosmos home with our celestially-inspired collection. Discover accessories,wall art, and more all in our store.

Designed to deepen your celestial connection

Whether you’re into angel numbers,astrology, tarot, or uplifting spiritual energy, find your vibe in-store.

Shop - with you on your journey.

Feeling overwhelmed by an endless sea of spiritual guidance? Not sure where to start? If you are, you’re not alone. This is why we created Nema - to simplify your spiritual journey and bring you the things that matter.

We take ancient spiritual practices and make them relevant for life today. Nema connects you to inspirational people, fresh perspectives, and transformational practices that you can weave into your everyday life.

Made with love.

We are a collective of creatives, who passionately practice spirituality in our individual ways. As our mission and values frame everything we do, you’ll find kindness and care woven into our courses, content, and community.

Find a tribe with good vibes.

At Nema, we cherish values such as kindness, open-mindedness, and zero-judgment. That’s why we’re building a community that feels the same. So join us on social and find a tribe with real vibes only.